Plastic Surgery for Men Only Braun plastic surgery Men Jaw reduction.

Hello. This is Braun plastic surgery.

Men's plastic surgery is Braun!

Let me introduce Braun's square jaw surgery, which is designed to help save manhood and to keep the jaw line natural for men only!

Men's jaw bones are normally thicker and larger than women's, so it is necessary to reduce the size and thickness.

The natural v-line from the bottom of the ear to the chin while preserving the masculine..

Men and women have different bone, skin, vascular, and vascular tissues, so it is important to develop a plan for men.

Face contour that coordinates the proportions of the entire face

a Braun slim line Men Square jaw reduction surgery

Create a secure and complete v-line.

Men's Plastic surgery: Unintentional Feeling Is Important!

You can get a natural and tangible effect.
👄For more information  contact us today !!!1
-Email :
-Kakao / Line / Wechat  ID : braunstory
-Viber / WhatsApp: +82 10 2893 0616
