Dark circles not covered by makeup! Let's get rid of the dual under-eye fat relocation!

Good morning. 

This is Braun plastic surgery!

Today, I'll let you know about the dual under eye fat re-positioning, which is an operation that removes the bumpy under eye!

As aging progresses, it may bulge or turn off depending on the individual.

Braun under eye fat re-positioning, removes the protruding under eyes fat!
The depressed part fixes the septum, and the fat re-positioning - strengthening!
Braun Plastic Surgery Dual under eye fat re-positioning relies on the structure of the individual's eyes, skin, and bones to perform delicate surgery. 

If there is no elasticity on the skin, or if the eyes are protruding and it is difficult to fix, use the orbital septum to prevent recurrence!

Impression that was dull and melancholy with dull circle under bulging eye, Dual under eye fat re-positioning, it is change in elastic, bright and lively impression!

Long-lasting braun plastic surgeries without revision under eye fat re-positioning of the eyes Under the eyes of the conjunctiva is minimally invasive, so we can operate without scarring.

It is a surgical procedure that includes the know-how and technical of Braun Plastic Surgery which removes the unpleasant bulging and prevents the correction and recurrence of the off part to complete a more effective and bright eye area.

🔹For more information  contact us today !!!1

-Email : braunstory@naver.com
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